Reply To: How to form a positive statement about no longer wanting something

Forums General and Miscellaneous Questions About Weight Loss How to form a positive statement about no longer wanting something Reply To: How to form a positive statement about no longer wanting something

Elizabeth Hogon

    Hi Julie

    It's great to see you working on removing sugars from your diet – the research is increasingly showing them to be very influential in the obesity epidemic.

    Firstly I would suggest you work on the emotional pull that sugar has for you before attempting to use Positive statements. It's easy to do – just imagine the candy/chocolate etc and get the desire for it as high as you can. Make a note of the number out of 10 that you desire it. Then run the click track on that desire. Please note that when you're running the click track you are feeling the desire… don't change that feeling into anything negative or else it won't work. (Food cravings are different than traumas – the desire feels very positive so it can be confusing. Just remember that although it FEELS positive this food will actually make you fat and sick so it is negative… does that make sense?)

    Run the click track until the desire has come down to zero.

    Then use the Positives. You will probably find that the statement 'I eat only healthy nutritious food' feels perfect.

    Hope that helps.
