Reply To: I think, I got excited on distractions, as the rresults are not the same to firs

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Success with PSTEC and PSTEC Positive I think, I got excited on distractions, as the rresults are not the same to firs Reply To: I think, I got excited on distractions, as the rresults are not the same to firs


    Hi Jeff,
    This is what I did,

    I jot down my feelings,
    1. anxious at work, thoughts of work piling up, thoughts of low salary, promotion, unworthiness, inability to learn new stuff as they seems too complex, fear of getting challaenges, thoughts about why i am stuck, thoughts about I cannot get changed” all together come and show up randomly.

    I took the first one, traced it back to some past situation, thought of the events/pictures, series of pictures and clicked/tapped. I Lost the intensity of feeling, and appearently they disappeared. Then I clcked on anxious ness becasue I think I am mentally saturated to learn new things, I traced it in past and clicked that the same way. Did those tapping several time 2-3 times on same issue, But thoughts pored back in as I tried sleeping and next morning when I woke up. Then again same feeling cycle.

    I think It is more like a habit in me, and I might be needing PSTEC to succeefully reprogramme my Anxity habit.
    Is it possible?