Reply To: Tangled web, where to start?


    Wow, thats really reassuring. How brave of you to be so persistent. It still astonishes me how many people have suffered so greatly and soldiered on against the odds. Thanks for sharing that with me.

    I did about 4-5 rounds yesterday, mainly to do with the sheer panic that my ex partner has/had caused me. It has helped, and at the root of my panic feelings is a sense of unfairness and actually anger. Whilst clicking with the feelings of him, I was seeing memories of perceived unfairness from my childhood – is that normal to start somewhere and end up somewhere else? is it ok to let the mind wander like this?
    I will pursue the older memories but the current situation is so intrusive and consuming that I have had to go with that for the time being.

    Also, can anyone answer if pstec can be used for fatigue and pain?

    Thanks again, and go you Oz!