Reply To: Newbie Question


    Hi JSWellness,
    Welcome to PSTEC. If you haven't read or heard the audios from prior clients. Do that first. Mainly because it will prepare your mind for expectation of success. (If you are like me, you've been disappointed so many times, that it's hard to believe anything will work). If you haven't downloaded the free click tracks, please do that.  now. Keep a paper nearby, so as you become aware of issues, you can make a list of them and you can release them with the click tracks. It looks like fear of lack of finances could be a place to start. I found that the more intense my feeling was, the quicker it was resolved. For instance, after 27 yrs. of having an intense sadness when I thought of a lost love, the feeling went away after the first session. Not the memory, just the feeling.  Amazing. Do you realize how feeing that is for me? I can finally get on with my life. The next issue for me was more complicated and required 6 weeks of daily sessions. But, totally worth finding out about my Core Limiting Belief. All sorts of self help books and therapy didn't make a dent. What you have found is life changing. Start and keep at it. After all the negative stuff is eliminated (0-1) they have other tracks for guiding you to positive fulfillment. Good luck and Good Clicking.  ;)