Reply To: Divorcing and cant quite get it gone


    Hey OZ.
    Thank you for the smack down you are right on track with all of this. PSTECH is an amazing tool and it has been helping me greatly through this. I have been focusing on my attachment to her and making progress, but I agree with you; I also need to focus on me, perhaps mostly on me. That is probably why I am “stuck”, I am focusing on the wrong person. Faster EFT teaches that its all about “us” and our reactions to others. I am going to turn the spotlight on me now, after all that is the only person I can change. I feel like I have been using all my energys to let go of “Her”, instead of 'Me letting go”.  I find I have been angry more then sad, and while that has more energy it is still not where I want to be. I want peace, with this and everything. I will try thinking of me when I use the CTs. Perhaps that will help clear these issues. Lots of work ahead! Any other advice will be well received.

    Thank you again!