Reply To: Mixing up Positive Tapping 1 & Positive Tapping 2 Non Tapping

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package Mixing up Positive Tapping 1 & Positive Tapping 2 Non Tapping Reply To: Mixing up Positive Tapping 1 & Positive Tapping 2 Non Tapping

Peter Bunyan

    Hi tonners

    Re the negative coming up while running Positive. This could be a sign of your subconscious rejecting or fighting the positive statement possibly because it is too absolute. It is perhaps a “step too far”. You can get past this by creating sub positives which work their way up to the same end  in smaller increments. Run the subs and when you feel you can believe them, run the real target statement.

    In a similar way to assessing the strength of emotions using the 0-10 scale with the Click Tracks you can ask yourself when creating a positive statement”How much do I believe this?” or “How true is this?” on a scale of 0-10 where 10 is “absolutely” and 0 is “no way”. A 0 score might indicate that it is a “step to far” and that it might be better to work out a softer statement that gives you say a 5 score. While running the Positive try as hard as you can to imagine the statement being real and true now, and how good it would feel. The statement is more than a form of words but an investment in good positive emotions or as Jeff woulds say JEEP. That is you want to feel good about the statement not the desire for it to be true.

    Please keep us up to date with your progress.