Reply To: Magic Sentences

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Magic Sentences Magic Sentences Reply To: Magic Sentences

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Here are some possible issues or thoughts…

    • You said “trying” to clear emotions in the past … what happened?
    • When was the last time you did the Click Tracks on these emotions?
      Have you done any since you have been doing the Magic Sentences (MS) this past week?

      You see, when you begin trying to shift beliefs with MS or PSTEC Positive, it can invoke the emotional aspects.  So, CT the emotional aspects that come up until 0-1 and then go back to the MS.

    • Another issue may be that you have not cleared the emotions because you are not using the CT's properly or targeting them in the correct or most effective way.

      Quite often I find people CT'ing emotions and not addressing specific memories that come up… just one example.

    • [/list]It's a bit difficult to ascertain your specific issue in the forum or via an email because there is some questioning or investigation necessary.  Sometimes getting with a practitioner to guide you a bit may be the answer as well.

