Reply To: The quest for freedom and imperturbability


    Hello Jeff!

    Thanks you SO much for taking the time to write your very through and well thought-out reply.

    You are absolutely correct about the ranting/venting aspect, and how this could have limited value in the long term. In fact, looking back at my original post a couple of days later, I can see that some of the things I talked about don't feel quite as true to me now that I am in a different headspace. Nevertheless, I am glad that I took the initiative to write the post, as it got things moving internally, and because it got me such a great reply from you.

    Rest assured, I am going to take everything that you have told me here and apply it. I will also go through those emotions and beliefs systematically, while continuing to try and find any painful memories in my past and apply the CTs to them. I will have faith in the tools, and trust that I am not some special exception who is beyond hope.

    Thanks again! It's time for me to get to work, and I think I'm finally fully convinced that these tools DO work. I will report back soon with my progress. I would definitely consider scheduling a couple of sessions with you in the future, once I do this groundwork, and get clear on my ultimate life goals and any possible roadblocks in the way.