Reply To: Attraction Phobia – Men seeking Women

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Magic Sentences Attraction Phobia – Men seeking Women Reply To: Attraction Phobia – Men seeking Women

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi zendo… no, Sally Baker put those together in a joint venture so not likely they will be redone, especially in the near future.

    But, this could be a healing opportunity for you!!

    If you get uncomfortable listening to a female voice like this, that would be a negative emotional issue.  So, imagine listening to the tracks with a female voice, rate the emotional intensity, then TRY HARD to feel it while running the CT and imagining her talking on the track.

    Also, look at PSTEC Positive for a solution to the belief:

    “I prefer a male voice as the effects are way more powerful “

    Try this with PSTEC Positive AFTER the emotions are lowered as I mentioned above…

    “When I hear a female voice on the track I feel comfortable”
    “I don't care if it's a male or female voice on the track”
    “The tracks are just as powerful with a male or female voice”
    “When I hear a female voice on the track I follow the directions because they are powerful”

    You see?

    Remember, preferences are not about good/bad, right/wrong, etc.  But, preferences can be limiting sometimes, so watch for those.
