Reply To: Second day of Using PSTEC


    Hi Howie thank you so much for your reply. I'm glad the internal hammer has became lighter for you. I need to start writing a list of the stuff that is coming up for me but 2 things first I don't usually write things down or I forget to do it hence the reason why I continue to use the forum for my progress and 2 after doing the CT I sometimes forget what my problem was and I don't have anything that comes up its like my mind feels empty (I know it's not it just feels that way).
    I have one of the free tracks on Panic Attacks and it says if you have a big problem or issue to click smaller issues related to the main one and you will find that it helps get rid or minimize the “big” issue. I'm not sure if that is just in relation to panic attacks or if it would help in other areas but it's worth a try.
    I love your idea of doing exercise I will have to try that maybe I could do some yoga , I love yoga, I also like to be outside in nature that is something else I could try. Thank you for that suggestion.
    That's great that you were able to quit. If you did it once you can do it again. The health thing is huge that is probably an underlying issue for a lot of people. To be honest I know one of my beliefs are smoking will kill me quicker, I know this is horrible and I am working on changing that belief. I need to ask myself why I feel I don't deserve to live umm thank you for bringing up the subject and giving me my aha moment.
    Please don't feel nervous about posting and please continue to post because of your post you brought out something I really need to Click Track. Than you for your insight.