Reply To: Difficulty imagining jumbling up the words in my sentence

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Difficulty imagining jumbling up the words in my sentence Reply To: Difficulty imagining jumbling up the words in my sentence

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    On scrambling… what's important is TRYING to scramble it… just keep scrambling it … no matter how you do it.  If you are fearful of not scrambling perfectly, perhaps CT the fear of not scrambling perfectly; although there are probably more general beliefs and fears about being perfect.

    So, whether you scramble it well, perfect or not… all that matters is that you scramble it!

    Play with it more supernova; you will find it … good job, Lisa …

    Sara… you are following along really well… here are some tweaks to make it even more effective…

    I am afraid I'll not know what to do to support myself
    … what does that look like to you?  Imagine not being able and take that imagined event while TRYING HARD to feel the fear.  It sounds like you were basically just CT'ing the fear and not also focusing on a memory or imagined event … it works more effectively when you attach the negative feeling to a memory or imagined event.

    With the Accelerator Tapping Track; I would start with that instead of ending with that track.  Try not to end your session with an ATT.

    Negative Eraser
    “I believe I don't know what to do to support myself =earn  money”
    Is this your negative belief?

    If so, two things…

    Either take a belief as it is or, if it's too short add the phrase,
    “It is my belief that…”

    You added “I believe…”
    Do not use that as an add on phrase.

    I don't know what to do to support myself =earn  money
    This is probably not the most “core” belief…

    Ask yourself this:
    I don't know what to do to support myself because …
    Then, see what answers or answer comes up.
    Delve a bit more.

    Also, if that's your sentence, keep each negative belief (and also for PSTEC Positive sentences) to one thought.
    In this one you have two thoughts… about not supporting yourself and also not earning enough money.  They both do not necessarily equal the same aspect.

    On your PSTEC Positive statement…

    “Perhaps I can stand on my own feet, support myself and be successfuld”
    Again, too long … too many thoughts … If you feel good about “I can…” drop the “Perhaps”

    Split supporting yourself and also being successful into two thoughts.
    You also may have to be more specific about this because “supporting myself” could mean many things.

    If you can erase the negative belief about not being able to support yourself, then you may find a more specific and dynamic vision of what you desire and then you can move in that direction.

    I don't know on this unless we did a session together because when it comes to money and wealth issues, everyone is quite individual.
