Reply To: Difficulty imagining jumbling up the words in my sentence

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Difficulty imagining jumbling up the words in my sentence Reply To: Difficulty imagining jumbling up the words in my sentence


    Interesting to read Jeff's response not to use the phrase “I believe” in the Negative statement.  Instead, he said use “It is my belief…”

    I bought and used PSTec Neg last night and I used the phrase “I believe that I am unworthy of love.” 

    I think I do understand the nuance of difference between using “I believe” and “It is my belief,” but Jeff if you could explain, that would be helpful.  I'm guessing many ppl are going to use “I believe..” (Maybe you already did answer this somewhere else, if so, my apologies).
