Reply To: Negative bank balance

PSTEC Accounts

    Hi LIsa,
    Absolutely you can use click tracks on those emotions but it's not really a long term solution. Also because such emotions are the result of beliefs related to work / money you can deliberately choose to adjust those in order to feel more positive about this if or when it does happen.

    The bigger picture of course is of changing the situation altogether so that it doesn't occur in the first place. Often people believe things to be either inevitable or impossible. Both such types of beliefs can be  curse when then they apply to such things. After reducing the fears/frusttaion with click tracks try using PSTEC Negative on the belief that this is inevitable and then immediately use the folllowing PSTEC Positive to the effect that “Today a solution will come to me”.
    Then see what happens. 
    Jeff has a fantastic free interview coming up soon which may be of great interest to you too in this regard as well.