Reply To: Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love?

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love? Reply To: Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love?

PSTEC Accounts

    I'm sorry to hear that this is something you have had to contemplate.  “yes” it's possible to do this as long as the feeling is no seen to be negative.. It's something I actually discuss on the Advanced package.. If you absolutely need to let go of feeling for someone through no choice of your own then you can indeed click track feelings of love, desire, longing, etc. BUT I must stress that this is fairly drastic action and as such not something to undertake lightly in any way. Going back, might not be an option. As such to do this one has to have reached a point of no return and also to have absolutely decided that the feeling no longer serves any positive purpose. With the advent of PSTEC Negative my personal preference would be to address the belief first … (that of loving them). See how that goes for a few days first and prefer not to click track it unless absolutely necessary.    I hope this answer is helpful.