Reply To: Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love?

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love? Reply To: Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love?

PSTEC Accounts

    Personally I think there are times when we simply need to see things through even though it might be painful. Sometimes one needs to see where life goes first before ever undertaking to use PSTEC in the way you asked about.

    To answer your question though in regard to PSTEC Negative, it would probably be the following PSTEC Negative statement. “it is my belief that I love them”.  It might seem innocuous but it's not a PN statement to be used lightly. 

    The following PSTEC Negative statement: “It is my belief that I love them today” should be less permanent but still might have lasting consequences so it's not something I would generally advise either.

    For temporary relief a click track on feelings of sadness/loneliness would be fine. As would PSTEC Negative on “It is my belief that I cannot cope”. That would be much safer since it doesn't put an end to anything. Then you can even follow it with PSTEC Positive to the effect that you will cope easily.
    (pick your own words)

    The reason I very strongly suggest REAL caution here is because love is a precious commodity and plenty of relationships have rocky patches but come good again. 
    It's really for this reason that I don't even discuss this potential use of PSTEC in PSTEC Level one but you asked the question so it deserved an answer.