Reply To: Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love?

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love? Reply To: Can we CT to get rid of positive emotions such as love?


    Thanks Tim, I truly appreciate your detailed response.

    I myself am not ready or willing to do this and am taking the approach you suggest which is to see what life hands out….

    But I mentioned this to a friend who has been agonizing over a lost love for close to a year and although they have stayed in touch he has shown absolutely no interest in starting a r'ship w/ her again. So she is tempted to CT to get rid of how she feels.

    She does not have PSTec Negative.

    I'll share w/ her what you said. I like your suggestions and will continue to work w/ the PSTec tools I have (basic, Level 1, and Negative so far) w/out erradicating the love itself.

    warm regards,