Reply To: The New PSTEC Click Tracks 2015

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Click Track 2015 The New PSTEC Click Tracks 2015 Reply To: The New PSTEC Click Tracks 2015


    Hi Tim and Peter,

    I sent my questions to the support address earlier today, but I will repeat them here because I will likely get a faster reply.

    Very nice and timely learning about your upgraded Click Tracks. My question regards the scope of the effective application it targets.

    I am blessed to finally, after a number of years gained an open door to pursue an online money making opportunity that is very lucrative and can be worked from home on my notebook and cell phone.  I want 100% of me engaged to take full advantage of it for best results for all concerned.

    I know the new tracks are designed to clear issues faster and more permanently. This goes without question. Are they also designed to assist with “installing” more focus and behaviors best online internally for optimum business performance?

    Procrastination, lack of sustained focus (officially diagnosed with Adult ADD a few years ago) and deflated motivation to stick with venture/project (for no apparent reason most times), as if my brain rebels, wanting to find something else more “shiny and fun”. Quickly getting bored no matter the potential benefits of sticking to projects through completion has been an anchor around my neck, causing me all sorts of personal and financial difficulties for most of my life.

    Are the new Click Tracks designed to effectively address these behaviors?

    Thanks you so much Tim and Peter. Tim, I know you put a lot of yourself into these new tracks and they will deliver their intended benefits to most persons you targeted them to help.

    Congratulations! :-)

    Kind Regards,
