Reply To: PSTEC Level 1 advice

Peter Bunyan

    Hi lb

    The quick answer – Thinking a “thought” while Clicking will work, just not as effectively as re-living an event with feelings. In the context of self-therapy (Clicking) the “thoughts” you choose to work with are likely to have bad feelings around them, otherwise why are you trying to do something about it?

    The longer answer – We (humans) are animals driven by feelings and emotions but having evolved with the ability to communicate with symbolic language we tend to think that we are rational, logical and superior. However the language comes after the feelings usually as a result of trying to express those feelings in a “civilised way. You might in a non-verbal way give someone a kiss because that is how you feel. It may not however be “appropriate”. You might punch someone in a very non-verbal way which might also be very inappropriate or not legal. So we talk in a more sophisticated way, with varying degrees of success. Feelings behind a “thought” can become diluted and mixed, if you can access the negative feeling directly then PSTEC has more of a focus to work on.

    Your example “I don't feel confident…” is rather abstract, if that were the case then you would have had experiences, incidents from your past, either recent or a long time ago which give rise to that belief. If you can, recall the incident that you most rather did not happen to you and run that through your mind over and over while
    while “clicking”. Again in your example “I don't feel confident…” you have just described a “feeling”!

    Your conscious mind works with logic and language, your subconscious with feelings, between the two is your imagination. Imagination is a workspace for memories and future scenarios accessed by both feelings and language. If you cannot recall any events from your past which for you do not have any attached feelings then you can imagine a future worst case thing happening to you which does. Example – fear of flying because you are afraid the plane will crash.

    Your subconscious also has a protective way of making you “forget” painful past traumatic experiences or “numb” them. In this sort of case then it might be best to start with “Clicking” on some other more minor unrelated issue and getting used to the Click Tracks so you know they work and are “safe” before attempting to recall something so traumatic.

    I hope the above helps, if not please reply and tell us a little more about your situation and issues.
