Reply To: PSTEC does not work. Why?

Gerry Albert

    Hi, still following the post here… been using PSTEC for almost 3 months now and have seen enough effect to keep using but kept on experiencing layer after layer of the blockages and negative patterns; today the issues that came to mind while listening to the Wrapper Audio (which I use before a tapping track) I had the thought arise to hold the feeling of the emotion behind the issue… hard to describe really.  But since the issues are subconscious/unconscious I am hoping to focus the effectiveness of the click track on that which I can't really put a word or picture to (the unconscious issue) and I realize that it may be a pattern of thoughts that built up in layers over the years through multiple experiences that were related to the emotion and so on…

    Related to this I recently applied for a different job within the company I work for and was selected for the position, I do believe there is a correlation between this and the work I have been doing with PSTEC… not all the issues are gone yet but still staying the course…