Reply To: PSTEC does not work. Why?


    Hi guys,

    Just read the whole thread…I'll be following your journey Zoomy because am almost in the exact same boat. Reading your posts about the issues you are facing felt like reading about myself. I have not yet started click tracking but for past few days I have been listening to as many tutorials and PSTEC interviews as I have got my hands on.

    And Peter I appreciate the guidance that you are providing to zoomy and others like me. Thanks for the time and effort.

    Hopefully I would start my PSTEC journey today, I have gone through a lot of information about PSTEC and it has given me a lot of positive expectation, that's a good thing for someone like me because otherwise am a very analytical person, but the tutorials by Tim and the PSTEC interviews have made my critical mind accept the principles that PSTEC is based on.

    Like Zoomy, I too have so much junk inside, so many issues, that am kinda overwhelmed just thinking about how much I have to deal with and also the feeling that I have wasted so much time of my life (yes I will click track both, hopefully today :) ).

    I also have what zoomy calls Absolute 0 motivation. In fact I suspect that going through as much PSTEC information as I could was also another way my subconscious delayed not starting on my PSTEC journey….

    You see..I feel my mind plays really interesting game…I understand everything…I even catch (or at least I think I do) what my mind is doing to stop me from doing what I should be doing…and still those games reel me in……

    Hopefully today is the day I start…

    Best of luck for your journey Zoomy…:)