Reply To: done over 100 hrs of work on click tracks on traumas, still have complex trauma

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Tell us About your PSTEC Story done over 100 hrs of work on click tracks on traumas, still have complex trauma Reply To: done over 100 hrs of work on click tracks on traumas, still have complex trauma

Peter Bunyan

    Hi Pineapple22
    You have shown amazing commitment to trying PSTEC. Sadly this has not worked out the way you anticipated, yet! It is not possible for me to work out what might or might not be happening from such limited information as I have about you and the way you have been using PSTEC. The human brain/mind has a tremendous capacity for regeneration and change so I expect that you could find some benefit in using PSTEC no matter what level of trauma. This might only be some more liveable with reduction in symptoms rather than a complete permanent cessation. But you won't know unless you keep on going.

    As a runner I have run many races at all distances marathon and beyond and at some point in all of them there comes a difficult patch where pain fuelled doubt creeps in and all you can do is take the next step and the next and just hang on and persist. This knowing that every step is one less to do and one step closer to the finish. The advantage of races is that I know more or less how far I have to go to the finish. Whereas in the journey you are on you do not, It could be a long way or it could be around the next corner.

    Assuming you have been rating your feelings before and after every play of the Click Tracks what reductions in numbers have you achieved so far?
