Reply To: Can I use PSTEC to stop constantly having a thought caused by a relationship?

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Can I use PSTEC to stop constantly having a thought caused by a relationship? Reply To: Can I use PSTEC to stop constantly having a thought caused by a relationship?

Peter Bunyan

    Hi Going4Better (Great positive name)

    If you found some improvement with PSTEC (Basic Click Tracks I assume) then perhaps keeping on going might help or stepping up to the Enhanced Click Tracks from Level 1. PSTEC Negative works with language based beliefs example “I am no good at maths” and so probably not the best choice for you. Take a look at Cascade Release although it is generally advised as a therapists tool it can be used by a self user. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing how effective it might be for your particular problem. PSTEC Accelerators also ramp up the effectiveness of all PSTEC products.

    Some other thoughts hopefully you might find helpful:
    Anything that you can imagine is effectively real to you, so this other person whether beside you inside your head or that you become that other person possibly also has feeling and emotions that you experience. If so then I suggest Click Tracking his feelings or even on behalf of of him, and if you can any guilt or anger over that initial abuse of his sister.
    That “horrendous mental impact” would be a prime target to Click Track is this possible for you?
    Consider also finding and working with a PSTEC therapist. The complexity of your case makes it difficult to sort out over a platform like this with the schizoid like other person being tangled up with anxiety and panic.