Reply To: What is the between Level 1 vs. 2015 click tracks??

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package What is the between Level 1 vs. 2015 click tracks?? Reply To: What is the between Level 1 vs. 2015 click tracks??

Peter Bunyan

    Hi Anon1

    The exact mechanics of the Click Tracks Tim keeps to himself. The eefs are longer and have more “difficult to follow” tapping sequences which force you to concentrate harder. This is why I would only suggest these for someone who has used the FREE Basic tracks for a while. The Click Tracks of any package should not be easy. That is do not allow yourself to get used to any one, mix them up. Your subconscious is a pattern recognition engine which seeks to find patterns in everything. Without listening to both Basic and eefs one after the other I could not say how the suggestions Tim makes differ. The precise words, phrasing and timings are critical and at this time only Tim knows how to put it all together. From my own personal experience I would expect to clear an issue with less play throughs with the eefs.
