Reply To: PSTEC routine

Tomas Zobal

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for sharing! It's great that you are at a point where you're basically maintaining or fine tuning. Not putting out any more fires so to speak.

    This is my second go at PSTEC. First time, I didn't have much success. Bought a bunch of Tim's products, listened to the tutorials… saw only momentarily relief, bought more products, got overwhelmed and gave up  ;D

    I got some great tips from Jeff this time, so I'll do my best to keep it light and most importantly keep at it. I struggle with perfectionism and that's what stopped me from sticking with it a few years ago.

    I've read a bunch of posts here, listened to Jeff's interviews, so I know the general roadmap and suggested use of PSTEC products. Still, it's good to read about other people's routines and approaches… thats why I started this thread. Hopefully we'll hear some more from others.