Reply To: Old relationship is still bothering me I need some help

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Old relationship is still bothering me I need some help Reply To: Old relationship is still bothering me I need some help

Peter Bunyan

    Hi Melissa

    Logically events may not be connected but they probably are emotionaly. Your subconscious is not logical. Waiting for your boyfriend to call and it never happening would lower your self esteem/self worth. This is likely to be associated with any other events in your life that have had a similar effect even though they have no connection in time or place or with any other person/s. This would be why all kinds of negativity come up when thinking of those times. This would be why it would be a good memory to Click Track. However what made you susceptible to this low self worth probably happened earlier. I suggest going back to the earliest time that you can recall and Click Track that first and go forwards from there.

    Self worth is about control or the lack of in your life. Seeing your Sister having a breakdown could well leave you feeling helpless and unable to do anything. Your partner running off with another woman would leaving you feeling worth less.

    Forgive me if I am off track here but… do you feel any guilt about maybe driving him away or perhaps your own low self worth being noticed by him if not yourself at the time that led to him finding another? Guilt that if might be your own fault, even if it isn't would stll need to be Click Tracked.

    I believe your weight problem will resolve itself when the other is sorted out.

    Does this give you a guide as to what to look for and Click Track?
