Reply To: Old relationship is still bothering me I need some help

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Old relationship is still bothering me I need some help Reply To: Old relationship is still bothering me I need some help


    Thank you so much so it is ok to focus on a memory even if I cannot hold onto the feeling?
    One more question would I be able to use the wrapper and bundle all those memories together with my ex and knock them out?
    I really appreciate your help I had also written about nausea and I think maybe all the click tracking in the last few days kind left a heaviness in my solar plexus it felt like tummy pain and nausea.  It is gone now.  So many memories come up when I begin to click track one and I know it is my subconscious  helping me but I'm not sure if they are gone all the way at the end of the click track or if I should try writing every thing that comes up on a list and click track those one at a time separately.  I am experimenting and am excited as I feel very calm and my mind is very quiet which is unusual for me but a good thing.