Reply To: Gameplan to work on blushing issue
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Hi Alexander,
That sounds like you have identified some of the beliefs that make up the pattern.
I appreciate you committing to this, and apologies that I am a bit wordy at times
One other thing is that the “People who blush are…weak” belief might be a corollary to the belief “I'm weak.” In other words, they play off one another.
Essentially, you might feel on some level that you are weak because you blush.
I am not saying you are weak, or that you consciously believe this, but a belief like this would have made sense at the time it is formed – and a lot of the “negative self-esteem” beliefs are said to be formed in our early childhood.
Try saying “I'm weak” out loud and see if that resonates in any way.
“Weak” is often something from which we shy away. Certainly, when I was grown ups would say to other kids “big boys don't cry!”, “toughen up!” or “stop being so dramatic!” As well-meaning as this may have been, some children may interpret crying, showing or feeling negative emotions as “wrong” or a sign of “weakness.”
And then if you are “weak” (but really just sensitive), then you either will not fit in or will be ridiculed.
Once you eliminate the beliefs you referenced, even the act of occasionally blushing (which people can do for a variety of reasons) would likely be reconceptualised by you. It would not be a habitual occurrence, but would be no big deal….if it ever did happen (I would suggest).
Then, you have a few ways (well, many…really) you can tackle and eliminate these beliefs and the emotions that have sprung from the events.
1) Go back to when they would have likely been formed – early childhood.
2) Consider the sort of experiences you were having in early childhood. Your subconscious mind will know the causes, so it is just a case of accessing these. What sort of events might have resulted in you forming these beliefs? Was there any bullying or physical abuse? Criticism or teasing? Just a sense of being oversensitive? No need to answer here, if you do not wish to do so, but these are just suggestions of possible experiences you may wish to consider.
3) It MIGHT be painful to re-visit these events but, remember, it is only a visit.
4) Run the Click Tracks on the experiences you have identified, neutralising the unwanted emotions systematically. It might require more than a few plays (variety, consistency etc.)
5) After you have run the Click Tracks and neutralised the emotions, use PSTEC Negative on the beliefs you have identified, ensuring you have done effective counter-exampling on the beliefs you formed.
If it is easier, get to step 4 and let us know how that worked…before you venture into PSTEC Negative.
That is just because emotions feed into belief and beliefs feed into emotions, but the emotional release/neutrality is going to be easier to “feel” than the elimination of the beliefs. However, eliminating the unwanted beliefs (and installing more empowering beliefs) is very important too.
I hope this helps. Once again, please keep the thread updated with your progress and any questions/concerns you have.
Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner
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