Reply To: Gameplan to work on blushing issue

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Alexander,

    I would recommend trying to find the earliest memories you can and from which beliefs like “I'm weak” would have been formed.

    So, there are two ways I have done this myself.

    The sub has stored all of our memories but, like a library, those are not always easy to access and (in real terms) a lot of memories may have been suppressed.

    Not sure whether you have them, but the Accelerator tracks help aid recall. They are designed for this function and to speed progress with PSTEC.

    If you do not have these, you can use extrapolation. Basically, if you cannot remember childhood events (akin to the ones I had mentioned in the earlier post) or the events you do remember do not seem to have any “charge”, go for the earliest “charged” events you can remember and then work backwards.

    So, if you look at your early teens and those experiences, is it real to you that you MAY have had similar experiences earlier in life? For instance, if your parents/caregivers were critical in your early teens, does it make sense that they likely did this when you were younger and when you formed the beliefs?

    It is worth noting that any belief we form, unless it is one event that is particularly traumatic, would generally be formed over a series of events. It made sense at the time and therefore our sub formed generalisations at that time. Imagine being a kid and every time you spoke up publically, you were shouted at, the sub would likely try to protect us with a belief like “It's dangerous to speak uo in public.”

    Consciously we may disagree with this at a later time, of course.

    In short, if you can, try to extrapolate backwards and bring up the emotions you would have felt at that time…. and as a kid.

    Just another thing: blushing tends to be a conditioned response and I would suggest that it has its roots in some beliefs and emotions. It is a consequence of having certain beliefs and emotional triggers, so you may blush (whereas another person might cry, go quiet or get angry).

    There may be some additional layers to this, so certain emotions can feed off of one another and trigger certain behaviours. Do you tend to worry about blushing and, when you worry that you might be blushing, does that tend to make the blushing worse? If so, you could also work on the worry of blushing.

    However, as a starter, I would recommend working through the emotions/events chronologically, if you will.

    Hope that helps. Please keep us posted.


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

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