Reply To: How to eliminate a belief without PSTEC Negative?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package How to eliminate a belief without PSTEC Negative? Reply To: How to eliminate a belief without PSTEC Negative?

Brian Tucker

    Hi Adam. As the other have suggested what you want to do is remove the negative thoughts and feelings around your circumstances.

    I would suggest first using the free basic click tracks to get the hang of it. Once you have successfully removed a negative emotion, I would suggest you purchase the accelerator tracks and use the “why technique” using the tapping accelerators to help you see the original event(s) that cause each negative feeling you have. Start with each feeling and go one by one using the technique. You can search the forum here for that technique. At the end of each session listen to the relaxing accelerator and at bedtime each night listen to the long one.

    I would also suggest you invest in the level 1 package and the 2015 clicktracks as they are.much more powerful and will help you move along.

    Once you have successfully removed the feelings you will then want to put in some positive statements. For this you may use pstec positive (included in the level 1) the accelerator track (can also be used for installing positive beliefs) or pstec positive extra.

    Pstec negative is excellent when you know what the belief statement is but that is not always the case. When you use the why technique you will be taken to the original event(s) and their associated feelings and memories. As you continue tapping they will clear out. What is most important though, is that you use the various emotional clicktracks (free basic, eef, 2015) to clear out any of the negative energy associated with those thoughts and feelings. Many of those don't have a belief statement I am_______