Reply To: Using weight loss package and have NO desire to eat anything – not hungry at all

Forums General and Miscellaneous Questions About Weight Loss Using weight loss package and have NO desire to eat anything – not hungry at all Reply To: Using weight loss package and have NO desire to eat anything – not hungry at all

Peter Bunyan

    Hi Louise
    No apologies necessary, we welcome all posts here.

    Yes only eat until you have had enough. Eating slowly, chewing more will help in this. You will tend to feel hungry at your usual meal times purely by force of habit. If this is the case then just eat smaller portions at those times. Yes if you can don't eat until you are really hungry but do not worry about it. You are doing great!

    Yes do not worry it can take some weeks to get used to your new “normal”.

    What you eat can also be a factor. The big things to avoid are the sweet sugary things and the wheat based foods. These high GI foods create insulin spikes and leave you wanting more, seconds and even thirds. Just the thing you do not need if you are trying to control your weight. Choose only protein and fat rich foods with plenty of vegetables and fruit, real cook it yourself foods and you are half way there.

    Give yourself time to change and adapt. There is much more we can suggest to help if things are not working out the way you want.
