Reply To: Confusion on a certain belief..

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Confusion on a certain belief.. Reply To: Confusion on a certain belief..

Brian Tucker

    Hi guys,

    The belief is ““I have to protect myself with fear otherwise I might die or get seriously hurt.”

    For certain do these:
    I had to protect myself
    I was going to die
    I was going to get seriously hurt

    To reinforce give a go on a 10 min track each “I thought I was going to die” (or I thought I might die) and “I thought I was going to get hurt” (or I thought I might get hurt) and I suggest these because they are things people commonly say “OMG I thought I was going to die!” :)

    You can replace “was” with “I've been” but it seemed clumsy wording to me. Do whatever feels normal to you.

    And “I have not been attractive to girls”.

    I haven't been attractive

    Also when you do them make sure all of the words and feelings get “down to a point” you may need to run a second one or just the long 18 minute version. I really like that one it has some extra (and powerful) suggestions in it. Especially on what was a complex belief.