Reply To: Self worth attached to money?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Self worth attached to money? Reply To: Self worth attached to money?

Brian Tucker

    Hello, my question is about how would I need to go about this feeling/belief that I'm not worth it.

    First, how would i need to word it? I haven't been worth it or I've been worthless?

    Second, is that a belief or is it just an emotion?

    Third, whom do I need to be worth to? myself?

    Wouldn't it be that I just need external validation? or does the fact that i need external validation means that i don't love/respect myself enough?

    For example:
    When I'm around people that I perceive that have equal or less money than me, I feel superior. Not in a bad way where I belittle them (at least not consciously), but I feel secure that I know more than them (doesn't have to be the case 100% of the times, although, it is more likely in my country) and that I have more money so I have confidence and our interactions are usually with me in control if I want to or and I feel competent/secure/not inferior/not ashamed/not shy

    When I'm around people that come from rich families or are rich, I automatically see them as superior even though logically I know they are not. I become anxious, my voice breaks if I have to talk to them and I doubt myself. I become shy and I feel literally inferior.
    Same feeling happens when i go to a Fancy place (restaurant, car concessionaire, hotel, house) It is and feels as if I don't belong, I am inferior and I don't exist.

    I would like to read your comments. Thanks in advance.

    These are general not good enough beliefs.

    I have to talk to them and I doubt myself. I become shy and I feel literally inferior.
    Same feeling happens when i go to a Fancy place (restaurant, car concessionaire, hotel, house) It is and feels as if I don't belong, I am inferior and I don't exist.

    Start here:

    I'm not good enough
    I doubt myself
    I am shy
    I am inferior
    I don't belong
    I am nobody
    Nobody respects me
    I don't exist

    Also look into “I'm not worthy” and “I don't deserve” beliefs

    You can use Clicktracks to work on the emotions and/or you could use belief blasters to just blast the beliefs which would make a difference if you took just those out using the 18 minute track. I bet if you took another few minutes to think about how you feel you could come up with a few more.