Reply To: Find your biggest negative core beliefs – A DIY guide to change limiting beliefs

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Find your biggest negative core beliefs – A DIY guide to change limiting beliefs Reply To: Find your biggest negative core beliefs – A DIY guide to change limiting beliefs

Frances Ponick

    Hi, Brian,

    I check in to the forum almost every day. If there are no new posts, I look around for old ones I haven't read yet. Today I found a bunch from you from a couple of years in which you shared details about how you used PSTEC to give yourself freedom. WOW!

    I can't thank you enough for the level of effort and detail you put into them. I learned so much from you about patience and persistence. Not only that, but you have saved me time by sharing your experiences and what you might do differently along the way if you were starting again.

    The reason I didn't start a new thread even though this one is over 120 days old is because I want it to rise to the top again. People new to the forum who may be wondering and exploring as I am could really benefit from your day-by-day, in-the-trenches posts.

    I really appreciate the points of view I've read from Paul as a therapist and you as a practitioner. You inspire me to keep digging and to share what I find—I'm used to digging, but the sharing part is new :-X !

    Best regards,
