Reply To: Belief Blasters and Past Tense Confusion

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Belief Blasters and Past Tense Confusion Reply To: Belief Blasters and Past Tense Confusion

Alfred Alonso

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your answer. I have to reread your post a few more times but if I understand correctly, the idea is to remove it in the past, and doing so removes it in the present (and theoretically), the future.

    While this does make sense to me (assuming of course I understood you answer correctly) , then the question then begs, wouldn't past tense also apply to the use of PSTEC Negative?

    And while I'm on a rampage of inquisitiveness (is that even a word??) here, what happens (and was it tested…) if you apply present tense phrasing to Belief

