Reply To: Clarity On The Process

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Danny,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, if you are working on an issue and Click Tracking, you can certainly work on the other images that come to mind.

    It might be easier to work through the current issue and then “park” the other images/thoughts until you do a separate play of the Click Tracks.

    To give an illustration of this: if someone was working on an issue (e.g.  resolving anger towards their spouse) and, whilst running the Click Track, they kept getting images about the time they were attacked by a dog…they could move onto that (i.e. go with the flow) or simply keep these images in mind and then run them on a subsequent playthrough.

    The images could be linked, or metaphorical.  They could mean something, or nothing.

    For what it is worth, there would be no harm in following either of these courses, or even stopping the track at that point and pausing for reflection. It is a matter of personal choice, so let your intuition guide you.

    I hope that helps, Danny. Please let us know if you need any clarification.


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

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