Reply To: Blasters with Positive: In Sequence or "Pooling"?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Blasters with Positive: In Sequence or "Pooling"? Reply To: Blasters with Positive: In Sequence or "Pooling"?

Brian Tucker

    For instance I'll knock out in a Blaster session over an hour or more things like:

    “I have been the type of person who has believed he isn't worthy of financial success”
    “I've been the type of person who hasn't believed he could've been successful in business”
    “I've believed I couldn't control my drinking when out with friends”

    This is a great approach. Your belief statements, however, are not optimal and/or down to the root. I would suggest you read this post:

    “I have been the type of person who has believed he isn't worthy of financial success”
    I haven't been worthy
    I haven't been worthy of success

    “I've been the type of person who hasn't believed he could've been successful in business”
    I couldn't have been successful
    I haven't been successful
    I couldn't succeed in business

    “I've believed I couldn't control my drinking when out with friends”

    I haven't been in control
    I haven't been in control of myself
    I've been out of control
    I couldn't control my drinking
    I couldn't stop drinking
    I've been powerless
    I've been helpess
    I've been hopeless

    Then I'll move over to Positive and do statements like
    “I'm the type of person who knows he's worthy of wealth”
    I'm worthy of wealth

    “I'm financially successful in business”
    I'm successful
    I'm successful in business
    I'm financially successful

    “I am in control of my drinking at all times”
    I can control my drinking
    I'm in control of my drinking

    “I drink 2 drinks or less when out with friends”

    From now on I will drink two drinks or less
    When I am drinking with friends I can enjoy two drinks maximum
    I will stop at two drinks When I'm drinking with friends

    The Sequenced Approach would be one Blaster session, then right over to Positive to install the supporting belief.

    The above are some suggestions. You will want to look into the root cause of your drinking beliefs as they are tied to some other issue, perhaps shame, powerlessness or some other social/general anxiety related addiction issue.

    I'm certain one of the other practitioners here who has experience with addiction/compulsion related beliefs can add similar advice. I used to be a drinker though all of that disappeared on it's own when I resolved the social and other issues that were at the root of it.