Reply To: Frustration – Tip: The secret feeling to remove first for more freedom faster

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Frustration – Tip: The secret feeling to remove first for more freedom faster Reply To: Frustration – Tip: The secret feeling to remove first for more freedom faster

Brian Tucker

    Since Paul added impatience – To recap and summarize this post based on my personal experience using the CT on my situations:

    Frustration and impatience are also (IMO) the two biggest reasons why people quit/give up using PSTEC. So the key is to remove these barriers to success IMMEDIATELY anytime you experience it.

    – Always remove any frustration and impatience with using the PSTEC tool anytime you experience it. This could be a person just starting out with the clicktracks or someone who has been using it for years. If you are frustrated or impatient with it not working or working fast enough, stop and remove that feeling. Then return to the feeling you are working on.

    – Remove any and all frustration or impatience you have with yourself

    – It's a good idea to just spend some time up front doing nothing but clearing frustration and impatience in three key areas of your life, relationships, health and money/career right out of the gate. Just look at the situation in general and go to it with the clicktracks.

    – Before you begin working on a specific feeling, look at the situation/people/triggers and see of there is any frustration or impatience associated with it as it relates to frustration or impatience you have with yourself and/or the situation/people/triggers and/or sick and tired of dealing with those feelings (frustration and impatience) If yes, clear any of that first, then work on the feeling. You will be amazed at how much faster the problem feeling can clear.
