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Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters What next? Reply To: What next?

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Magsoltech,

    Thanks for your reply.

    If I was in your position and could choose just one of those products now, I would definitely recommend Level 1. It has a lot of “value adds” and the EEFs are fantastic. I put all the tracks you mentioned in the “essentials” category – certainly for long-term use.

    The Click Track 2015 program is very advanced and helps you clear a lot and those tracks tend to work more efficiently than the Free Click Tracks. However, I think that might be best to go for Level 1 first.

    Whichever sequence you follow, however, I am confident you will be very happy with your choice.

    Kind Regards,

    Paul  :)

    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

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