Reply To: Biggest Tips, Tricks and Lessons Learned With PSTEC

Brian Tucker

    No More Anger/No More Anxiety

    I believe that every person on this planet could benefit from No More Anger.

    I also believe that every person on this planet could benefit from listening to No More Anxiety for 90-120 days whether they have anxiety or not.

    While listening to these tracks, really focus on what’s being said – don’t let the words wash over you.

    Just like any other track, focus on the feelings really, really hard. For anger focus on a few incidents and really feel them. For Anxiety pick one or two and really feel them the entire time. Often times the tracks in themselves will release it. Again, past, present and worse case imagines future events.
    Listening more than once a day to these can be really intense. Stick with one play a day.