Reply To: What to do with important memories that arise during belief blasting?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters What to do with important memories that arise during belief blasting? Reply To: What to do with important memories that arise during belief blasting?

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Whitelotus,

    Thanks for posting.

    The Belief Blasters extract the emotional charge out of beliefs as the beliefs are eliminated, so it is certainly not uncommon for causal memories to flash through your mind  (and be re-interpreted) when running the track.

    Note down the causal memories  (as you have been doing) and, if they carry any unwanted charge at all, I would recommend running these through the Click Track.

    If you feel completely neutral about the memories and there is no charge, I would suggest that there is no need to CT it. The work has already been done.

    Trust your instincts on that, though, as you may find additional benefits in running these through the CT – e.g. other memories surfacing.



    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

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