Reply To: Using kinesiology muscle testing to ask the subconscious what to aim for next.

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Using kinesiology muscle testing to ask the subconscious what to aim for next. Reply To: Using kinesiology muscle testing to ask the subconscious what to aim for next.

Brian Tucker

    Feelings are the general rule I use with respect to beliefs being true or not.

    If you say “I am a martian” or “I am 8 feet tall” there is no feeling associated with that because you don't believe it.

    If you say e.g. “I am stupid” or even better yet “I feel so stupid” in a situation where you made a mistake, there might be a negative feeling and belief there. Even if you consciously second guess yourself and know this is not true, there is still some sort of belief there even if it's not a very strong one. That feeling is the telltale of what you believe. If you did not believe this in any capacity it would not even appear in your reality via thoughts or feelings.

    With PSTEC all you have to do is think about a given situation and neutralize any negative feelings you have or could possibly have about a given situation – past, present or future – and of course the beauty of the clicktracks is that you can use them on any imagined future, worst-case scenario.

    Simply let your thoughts and feelings to be your guide. Simply put, PSTEC enables limitless freedom!

    Hope this helps.