Reply To: How to deal with negative trading patterns with PSTEC?


    Thank you Peter and Sally,

    It is true I've been working on this issue for sometime now. I say I get little relief because I have successfully developed my own good strategy but implementing it produces self-sabotage.

    I have already done memories of childhood undeserving plus positive “perhaps I can be deserving” yesterday.  First, I used eft tapping on the side of the hand saying this protocol:

    • Even though I am undeserving and…
    • Even if I don’t deserve to get over undeserving, and…
    • Even if it is not possible for me to get over
    undeserving, and…
    • Even if it is not safe for me to get over undeserving, and…
    • Even if it would not be safe for others for me
    to get over undeserving, and…
    • Even if I’m not willing to get over undeserving, and…
    • Even if I would not know who I am if I get
    over undeserving, and…
    • Even if I have other blocks to getting over undeserving,
    • I deeply and completely love and accept

    When I finished, I asked myself, how do I know I am undeserving, then memories of undeserving came up and I used click tracks.

    Today I'll work on frustration with this issue, memories of failure and then the positives. Again thank you very for your help!

    Best regards,
