Reply To: Aftermath from quitting smoking

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Clearingman,

    Thanks very much for your post.

    I appreciate your honesty, so let's deal with this systematically.

    When you notice the frustration and notice that you are biting your, have you done any “clicktracking in the moment”? With the Click Tracks, you only have to try to feel the unwanted emotion while focusing on the problem/memory. When you actually do feel the emotion “in the moment”, running the Click Tracks then (or as close as possible to when you have the feeling) can be highly effective.

    I appreciate that this is not always feasible, so you may wish to tap discretely and try to remember the CT tapping sequence. It is, in effect, a pattern interrupt.

    When you get a chance to run the CT, you may wish to clear:

    – frustration with yourself and the habits

    – the “lack of control” feelings

    – the feeling that it will never get any better

    Remember that, with PSTEC, it all changes when you reach the tipping-point and your work so far will not have been in vain.

    You possibly have some beliefs feeding into the pattern, or certainly contributing to your emotional experience.

    You may believe “Change has to be hard” or simply “Change is hard.”

    Think about that for a moment. Can you see how such a belief would create certain expectations and ways of being?

    This is a common belief and often stops people from making changes or giving up when the going gets tough or progress seems to dip.

    Isn't it as equally valid to say “some changes may seem hard, but not all changes” or “change can be hard, if you have not resolved the emotional components that help generate the behaviour” or “change can be hard, if you have beliefs about yourself and changing”?

    You also mentioned things were difficult, so you may hold supporting beliefs like “life is difficult” and “nothing is simple.” Perhaps you also hold “I will never resolve this.”  Check in with these.

    If you have any beliefs ike those cited above, I highly recommend using Belief Blasters or PSTEC Negative to eliminate them.

    With regards to PSTEC Positive, you surely won't have done yourself any harm. You are simply layering in positive suggestions and, while it is recommended that you compose these in such a way that they are plausible and compelling, other thoughts do not usually get in the way.

    To flesh that out a bit, in a crisis situation (e.g. hostage negotiations, medical emergency) it is common for the person in the crisis to have all sorts of thoughts, concerns and outcomes flashing through their mind.  In these situations, trained staff will often suggest basic behavioural and cognitive tasks (e.g. “Just breathe deeply”, “Everything is going to be OK”, “Just think about your friends and family” etc.)

    In this example, the compounding of suggestions overrides the intrusive thoughts and often results in behavioural changes. You can do the same with PSTEC. Although it is advised that you clear the unwanted emotions first, a positive (or negative…but that is not the scope here) suggestion of change can still be accepted in ANY emotional state.

    The PSTEC Positive will surely have done no harm at all, as I assume the suggestions you chose were well-intentioned and in keeping with Tim's instructions. At worst, they may require some repetition to really tip the balance. You can also layer in supporting suggestions. For some people or particular issues, one suggestion is enough. For others, repetition is key.

    I hope that helps, Clearingman. Please keep us updated.

    All the best,


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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