Reply To: Spider phobia

Jesse Jacobs

    Hi Paul + Brian,

    Thank you for your instruction and support through the process! I agree I have cleared the phobia for memories and imagined. I am close to resolving the phobia completely for the remaining stages, of video, live, movies.

    Day 29 I CT'd 2015 Long 2 today using the youtube link above. I started at 1 and ended at 1. Throughout the CT I worked very hard to feel uncomfortable. I stared right up at the screen and would put my hand on the big spiders. Sometimes when the tarantula would jump in weird ways I might have got to a 2 or 3. But ended at 1. I plan to look at other videos as well. This was effective with the photos– I worked with same photos until 0. Then I opened up to hundreds of photos. I am close to this stage with video.

    Now I just need to finish each remaining stage of the of the program. Next I am looking forward to CT tarantulas at a pet store. I plan to get to the point where even if I see a surprise image suddenly I will have a completely neutral reaction. 

    I also want to finish this soon as I have a second goal. For me the spider phobia is symbolic.

    Thanks for everything. I will keep posting.

    Jesse  :)