Reply To: More Freedom – What you believe you are vs. what you believe you "should" be

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters More Freedom – What you believe you are vs. what you believe you "should" be Reply To: More Freedom – What you believe you are vs. what you believe you "should" be


    Dear Paul, Brian & “Co”, ;)
    I had relied on getting email notifications if someone posted further replies, and since I didn't receive any, I incorrectly assumed that neither of you had responded to my last post!
    Thanks soooo much for your replies! :)

    Regarding my 'issues':
    I always make sure to do the 'prep' work with the regular click tracks, before I use the BBs/ PSTEC Positive/ PQT.

    (Hence, I did work on many memories regarding the shame I felt. I also uncovered several other negative beliefs I hold (I am bad, I am worthless, I am a bother, I don't matter etc.) in the process. *sigh* :-
    From experience, if a feeling is driven by a limiting belief (or several…), I find that the negative feelings I thought I had erased with the click tracks will show up again, albeit lesser in strength.That, to me, is a clear indication that I need to work on the belief(s) underlying the feelings in order to get lasting results…)

    So, if there's a limiting belief I'd like to erase, I ask myself why I believeĀ  it – what experiences am I using as 'proof' that this is 'true'? Answering that question usually leads me to specific memories/ incidents. I then use the click tracks to erase all feelings around these incidents (my 'proof') before I use the BBs to erase the belief(s). Then, I follow up my clearing work with the installation of positive beliefs.

    Since Tim released the PQT tracks, installing new positive beliefs is so much faster! I find that I no longer need to be 'sneaky' with my subconscious mind – I no longer have to “work up” to the belief I want to have.. Where I used to 'soften' the positive statements (It is possible….; Maybe…; I can….more and more so; etc.), I can now be very direct and simply use a positive statement of my desired end result. I LOVE it!

    So, THANK YOU for all your thoughts on the issue and the wonderful examples/ statements you have provided – I'll use them all :)

    Lee :)