Reply To: How to Create an Abundance Mindset Without Money & Change Money Beliefs Scripts
Forums › General Discussions and Specific Issues › Prosperity, Abundance and Money › How to Create an Abundance Mindset Without Money & Change Money Beliefs Scripts › Reply To: How to Create an Abundance Mindset Without Money & Change Money Beliefs Scripts
How to shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset:
Clicktrack the following feelings to a 1 or 0; You will want to think about all areas of your life, money, love, career, job, friends, family, growth etc.
You are in some way limited
Your “resources” are in some way limited
You are in some way rstricted
Your “resources” are in some way restricted
There is never enough
There will never be enough
There is never enough to go around
I'll never have enough
I'll never be rich/wealthy
I am without
Have to do/be/go with out
Again I will also add that when doing these it is probably a good idea to get angry as you clicktrack each one at the feelings 1.) You are sick and tired of thinking like this and 2.) Sick and tired of worrying about this. This will help collapse the feelings faster.
To install positive instructions you can listen to the free “Wealth of abundance” track:
You can also listen to the free “You are Amazing” tracks as often as you like:
You can also imagine and feel what your new mindset will be like by listening to the paid relaxing accelerators.