Reply To: Abject Terror of flying!!!

Daniel Wynn

    H atty,

    I think i have seen others post on here recently that have overcome this exact problem. If i remember correctly they hadn't got on a plane for 30+ years, but managed to resolve there issues around flying. Would be worth digging through to see if you can find the post and maybe contact them directly to see how they got on?

    Its actually a good thing you can access the emotions rather easily as it puts you in a good position to do something about it with pstec. I would go ahead and feel that terror while running the click tracks. If it feels too uncomfortable maybe think how you would have felt at the thought of flying. That way you can dip your toes in and build your way up to realising it isn't such a bad thing as you release the emotions around it.

    You could also go at the beliefs angle and remove some of those negative beliefs and layer in some positive ones around flying being safe, and lots of people fly with complete calm and ease so you can too.

    By the way…. how about taking a player with you and perhaps use it while your taking off or anytime you feel overwhelmed on the plane? After you have dealt with the fear from the ground, and feel at ease with it of course. I would build up to making it real in your mind and really feel as if your in the plane etc eventually. Then when I was ready take my music player and use it on the plane.
    I'm sure you will get it sorted??