Reply To: PSTEC for suicidality & bipolar


    Thank you So, So much Paul. 

    After BB blasting “I didn't have enough time for what I enjoy”  I handled the rest of yesterday with far less stress.  This morning it seems to help too.

    I did a Positive on “I have time for self-improvement.”  I was able to do one of your wonderfully suggested phrases this morning even though it's a quicker morning.

    I did Cascade one on this a while back but didn't understand to do Cascade two after it at the time.  Not much improvement from that.  I was wondering if I should go back and redo them, but I think I'll just do that if it comes up.  Maybe I'll stick with the BB and not use Cascade again for a while.  It seemed to make things worse, but then I was using it wrong.  Knowing that I have both… which would you suggest? I also bought a time machine.

    This morning I did the money one- which was good.
    At work I did, – “I couldn't cope with life”  there were a few distractions but I felt it a lot.

    Then – “Life was always going to be difficult”

    Positive- “I really do have the strength within me to flourish”- This was a good one thank you.