Reply To: Wording Structure – Adding "had believed" in front of actual belief?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Wording Structure – Adding "had believed" in front of actual belief? Reply To: Wording Structure – Adding "had believed" in front of actual belief?

Brian Tucker

    I thought i would fail.

    Past tense per the BB instructions:

    I thought I would have failed

    But as core belief work go, you want to get to the root and that would be, why do you think you would fail? Because…

    I always fail
    I am a failure
    I never succeed at anything
    It is impossible for me to succeed


    You would then put these in past tense per the instructions. It is VERY IMPORTANT to follow the instructions because the subconscious only knows instructions.

    I have had clients try to get fancy using BB with “I used to be a failure” “I thought I wasn't good enough” “I believed I could walk on water” maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. What's very important is to follow the instructions. :)

    p.s. It either works or it doesn't. You don't have to be perfect and it's ok to make mistakes. It's also wonderful to try and fail. That is actually success because you will learn.

    What is important is that you try it! PSTEC is all about discovery.
