Reply To: info about products

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi kuteguy,

    Thank you for posting and please accept my apologies for the late reply.

    I am glad you have gotten a lot of value from the forum.

    Your kind words are very much appreciated. Thank you.

    It sounds like you have had a lot to deal with. It takes courage to “go there”, so well done. I am glad you have made some good progress.

    I will see if we can update the thread you mentioned, as so many products were introduced since the thread was started.

    With so many tools and programs, there is much greater scope for change than ever before and something for everyone.

    Before I provide a list of recommended products, can you please advise me of all the ones you currently own?

    As far as your questions are concerned:

    PSTEC Negative and the Belief Blasters both enable people to eliminate beliefs and unwanted programming. They just use different mechanisms to achieve that goal. They are both highly effective, and could be thought of as different tools to facilitate the same outcome. Belief Blasters are generally considered as easier to use, as they don't involve tapping (Negative does). Negative is perhaps more “involved”; it also requires the user to create counterexamples, and say those out loud before running the track. 

    There is no one way or best way to start. However, the recommended protocol is to start with the Click Tracks for emotional clearance (clearing everything down to a 0 or 1), eliminating causal beliefs and then layering in some positive suggestions of change with the Positive tracks.  However, as everyone is different and is working on different problems or issues, there are different ways to mix it up. I'd certainly recommend the PSTEC Accelerators (, as you mentioned that you had no conscious memories of certain issues. The Accelerators really help aid recall and can speed progress with PSTEC.

    Feel free to reach out, if I can help with anything.

    Please also feel free to share more on the forum, as we are always keen to help.

    All the best,


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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